Hello fellow riders,
new to the forum, thanks for validating.
I bought a time ago TDM 850 4TX (2001 year) - latest model on Europe market. I drove bike first few tousands kilometers and realized my bike smells of fuel. I swapped aftermarket exhaust (more open cans) and bike started to be more alive and started heavily popping on decceleration only - thought when bike runs better, no issue. After time i have checked spark plugs - one white, one totaly black - i thought there is an issue in carb (bike was poorly maintained by prevoius owner). I have rebuild carbs (MK2a carbs - Mikuni BDSR38), including new needle jets pressed out and new needles. Cleaned spark plugs and after 50km checked - both white (one maybe slightly, veeery slight starting tan color). Decceleration popping is same, performance same except thorttle is smoother.
And now question - what would you do to improve mixture and how to spot good mixture at best ?
I hope i explained story of my bike well. My english is learned only from hearing and reading, sorry for that.
PS: valves clearance not done, tried to measure, but stripped water flange screw head .... peep
Thank you in advance