This has got me puzzled...?
My 1991 3VD TDM850 had been parked up in the garage for seven days after a 200km run and apart from the battery being put on charge nothing had been done to it.
Without fail, every time I take my bike out, I give it a fairly thorough check-over. Lights, chain, etc, and especially tyres, including pressures. So, I was a bit disgruntled to find my rear showing 0.85 bar instead of 2.70 bar ! Seven days previously the bike had handled faultlessly especially on the twisty section just before home. I assumed I had picked up some sort of penetration on the last few kilometers and resigned myself to a close examination of the rear tyre to find the damn thing and if possible to effect a repair.
I reinflated the tyre, a Battlex BT023 with on average 6mm tread, to 2.70 bar and then carried out a meticulous check for a nail or screw or whatever.
Found nothing !
I dismounted the wheel to check for bubbles while immersed in a bath of water.
Not a single bubble !
The valve was new with the tyre about a year ago and the seating at the rim showed no signs of leakage. So I left it as it was and checked the pressure the next day, exactly 2.70 bar.
I gave it another 24hours then another pressure check showed absolutely no pressure loss. I remounted the wheel, went for a very brisk local run, and rechecked the pressure on return, which was now 2.85 bar but this morning, cold, was back to 2.70 bar.
Was I imagining this ? Don't think so because I had to inflate the tyre with a floor pump and my shoulders protested for a bit afterwards.
Any thoughts ?