Back & saddle sore! Opted to do the whole leg in one go
Got in around midnight UK time, still wired from caffeine overdose I think
Fantastic time summed up in the photo's below
Food was excellent
Roads were amazing
Weather great
And Khyffhaussen still ROCKS!!
(cant get bloody video to load tho... help!)
I ask you, what more could you want on a biking trip!
So Ich muss Vielen Dank zum Lars, Peter und alles die Deutsch TDM Gruppe fur so vie eines ganz schones zeit, es war toll!!
(sorry about the spelling and grammar)
Edited by jht, 27 June 2011 - 10:39 am.
Done: Homo sap navigation/ twisty thing on bars to make it go vroom/ grabby thing to make it stop (in front of twisty thing)/ 'leccy things front and rear to make it glow at night/ Sucky + drippy oiler thing to keep chains moist (!!) / Laser Pro Stock Race pipes / bleeding ear drums (see previous mod)
To do: Educate homo sap nav system to operate twisty + grabby things/ get ear plugs
All Trashed Now... Pants... its a Cat B Mwahahaha it lives again!!
Remember every driver is a deaf myoptic twat who is out to kill you, ALWAYS assume they are going to do THE most f*cking DUMBASS, STUPID manouver possible, at the worst possible moment; get past, and get past quick